How Much Area Is Required To Install A Rooftop Solar System?

Rooftop solar systems are the best option if you live in an area that receives at least four hours of sunlight. If you wish to control your energy bills with a small investment, you can turn toward a rooftop solar system for your business.

Before contacting a rooftop solar panel specialist in Los Angeles, you should know certain factors regarding the installation process. This article discusses basic details about solar panels and the points involved in their installation.

Dimensions of different solar panels

As you know, a rooftop solar system needs some area to work efficiently throughout the year. If there is an inadequate area of the rooftop solar system, your solar panels cannot generate enough energy, and you will not receive the best from your panels.

Let our experts explain the area you will require for your solar panels with an example. Before going to the example, you should know the dimensions of the two most popular solar panels in the market:

  • A 250-watt solar panel comes with 60 cells and a thickness of 40mm. Its dimensions are 3.25 ft to 5.5 ft.
  • A 330-watt solar panel comes with 72 cells and a thickness of 40mm. Its dimensions are 3.25 ft to 6.42 ft.


Number Of Panels And Their Square Feet Area

Now that you know the dimensions of different solar panels, here is an example to better understand how much area the panels will need. Contact our technician to know more about solar incentive schemes in Los Angeles, and the benefits they can provide for your business.

  • If you need a solar system of 1 kW, you will need 3 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 65 sq ft to 90 sq ft.
  • If you need a solar system of 2 kW, you will need 6 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 145 sq ft to 180 sq ft.
  • If you need a solar system of 3 kW, you will need 9 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 205 sq ft to 270 sq ft.
  • If you need a solar system of 5 kW, you will need 12 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 285 sq ft to 450 sq ft.
  • Suppose you need a solar system of 8 kW and 25 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 580 sq ft to 720 sq ft.
  • If you need a solar system of 10 kW, you will need 30 PV panels of 330 watts each. They will require around 750 sq ft to 900 sq ft.


Bottom Line

Solar panels are the latest trend and are an eco-friendly option, but their installation process is not as simple as other HVAC appliances. You should contact our reliable company for rooftop solar panel installation in Los Angeles, Opulent Power Solutions.

Our technicians ensure to simplify the installation process for you and give you all the details about solar incentive schemes in Los Angeles. Contact us at (888) 970-5952 or email us for more information.